What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

If someone purposely spots you. It’s a sign of extreme disgust and hatred for the person they are spitting on. Usually, people who spit on people do it behind people’s backs or blind sides. Again, this is very, very offensive, and it is assault. 

I wouldn’t call it anything… just extreme hatred towards someone to spit on them; to me, that person is fill lime crap.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

This means someone is feeling suicidal and demands a swift beating.

That aside, the person intends to insult and provoke you beyond your emotional endurance. Or worse, that person is so impotent and cowardly that spitting on you and running away is all they can muster. 

Either way, you don’t know what pathogens are in that person’s sputum, so they deliver a biohazardous substance to your eyes and airways. In essence, that person is assaulting you.

I’ll reiterate: spitting in one’s face means that person is demanding a swift beating.

Or That is severe contempt that dares a physical fight. People don’t do that unless they feel they have nothing to lose, because the relationship is nearly over.

What is it called when someone spits on you?

I wouldn’t say it’s called anything, but it isn’t very kind. People don’t spit on things they admire or respect, and it’s saying you are less than garbage…

But unless you have done something equally as awful if you’ve treated this person with disrespect in some way to earn such rebuke…

If you know you haven’t, this behavior shows a total lack of character and substance…

After all people with any moral fibre or a decent upbringing would choose to talk through any problems using their minds and not this type of behaviour.

There’s no excuse at all…

We have a choice as to the people we allow close to us, and if a person close to you exhibits this type of behavior, I will refrain from any further contact with this person.

They should only receive our sympathy because if this is how they deal with issues in their lives, they are in for a very bumpy ride through life.

Do not be drawn into a confrontation. Just wipe yourself down and say very classy of you and move on. There’s nothing to salvage with this person.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

What does it mean when someone spits on you or in your face?

It means they have total contempt for you, at least in our culture. I saw a young boy from another country do this to another student in anger. His dad understood that I was making the point it was highly disrespectful in our culture (limited English). 

If someone spits on you, it may be a sign they are saying you are scum. It could mean it’s an abusive person who thinks poorly of themselves and shows you what happens when you show your independence from the abuser.

Find an appropriate way to end the relationship if you’re spit on. It’s a waving red flag! If someone does it to an abuser, it’s the same. This is a sign you need to leave a relationship with someone you have contempt for, regardless of your previous feelings

What would you do if a stranger spit on your face?

Buy flowers.

Probably white lilies in a tasteful vase with a nice sympathy card for the deceased’s family.

What should I do when someone spits at me to offend?

Well, the choice is yours. If you believe in karma or a higher authority, walk away.

If you don’t, you get to decide your own and, to a certain extent, their fate.

My advice is to walk away; they aren’t worth dealing with.

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What would you do if your wife spat on your face during an argument?

Clean my face with antiseptic wet wipes. Move into a hotel. Call a lawyer. Get a divorce.

Spitting in someone’s face isn’t as physically violent as punching them (sure). However, it’s still a form of physical and emotional violence that would have me smashing the ‘’eject button on any such relationship. 

Spitting on someone shows a level of contempt, an immediate and severe danger sign. I respect myself enough not to hang on to someone who’d treat me like that. Such a person shouldn’t get a second chance.

TI’d, I’d take some time to have a good, hard, long look at why I chose to marry such a person (and learn I’dt I’d need to change) to avoid making the same mistake again, if possible.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

What does that mean when a guy spits his girlfriend’s face during an argument?

It means that the guy has no respect for his girlfriend; he probably lacks respect for women. Perhaps he needs to respect people altogether.

Also, it means he lacks the skills to control himself properly. I would not be surprised if this is something that slowly would spiral into much worse domestic abuse than just spitting.

It means that the girlfriend needs to dump this guy.

My boyfriend spit in my face last night and said I would never find a more loyal man; what do I do?

  1. He does not love You’re just a girl he”can “get.”
  2. No one has to accept being spit upon by an adult. That’s a line that, once crossed, can never be uncrossed.
  3. He isn’t a “loyal” man” if he is cataloging “how many girls better than you (he) can”get.”
  4. The next step is physical abuse. Do you want to wait around until you are the victim of that?

What would be your reaction if someone spits in front of you?

Most uneducated Indian people have this bad habit of spitting everywhere. It is very disgusting. When anyone spits in front of me, I get filled with hate. I feel like, ‘Go & slap him very ‘ard, ‘that’s not the solution. How many of them do I need to slap?

The root of this spitting habit is chewing things like mava& gutkha, to which people got addicted. If there is anything to do against spitting in public, I first need to ban that gutkha mava thing, and the government should apply hard fines on spitting in public. In Mumbai, there is a 500 rupee fine for spitting in public.

It is very easy to prohibit the spitting public. I wonder why the government is not taking any action against it.

Why did my boyfriend spit on me after he hit me?

Because you don’t have a boyfriend, you have an abuser. He spit on you after he hit you to send the message that he thinks you are lower than dust to him and doesn’t care about how you feel.

Please, by bythat’shat’s holy, leave this guy.

Assault is never justified. Good luck!

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?
What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

How do I forgive my boyfriend for spitting in my face?

Why would you want to stay with someone with such little self-esteem that he has to bolster it by making someone else feel bad?

Forgive him, by all means (that is, after all, just a decision you make to be able to let go of the situation), but walk away now. While you still can. Men who behave that way do not improve their behavior and don’t become a statistic.

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Why is it that someone’s face is considered the most humiliating insult worldwide?

Spitting is seen as discarding/rejection.

Not going into the biological significance of saliva, we generally spit when our body is not ready to accept something (food, bad odor, etc.); thus, when we are spitting on someone, we are discarding/rejecting them.

Moreover, as a human, we refrain from hurting someone. Rejection almost always hurts; when we discard someone, it is even more hurting and humiliating.

Spitting on the face symbolically means rejecting someone upfront; thus, the humiliation factor is high.

Never take the phrase literally and someone’s face. You can land yourself in jail.

Could you ever forgive your spouse for spitting in your face?

Several things in a relationship can happen when emotions run high, and everyone has said or done something at least somewhat spiteful or petty to a partner. 

But there is a line that should never get crossed, and that is actual physical or mental abuse. When someone does something as disgusting and reprehensible as spitting in your face, it destroys a boundary. It shows a lack of true love and respect that I don’t believe an apology can ever fix. 

It’s almost a deeper, more serious problem than the act itself. If they think so little of you that they could bring themselves to do that, it’s time to go. My answer to your question is no, you cannot forgive your spouse for spitting in your face. This is someone other than a person worth spending your time with.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

Is it wrong to spit on your girlfriend during an argument?

For the first time or two, this is an outstanding choice. It doesn’t physically harm her, but it shows your complete disrespect for her, your lack of self-control, and that you don’t love her. 

Her clear warning is to dump you and flee your abusive presence. If she doesn’t get this message, please refer her to your question so she can read the answers.

Why is spitting at someone offensive?

Spitting on someone is vile and one of the most insulting things to do to someone; I would rather be punched in the face than have someone spit in my face.

If someone spat on me, man or woman, I would treat that act as a prelude to a fight and react accordingly.

What do you do if your boyfriend spits on you?

This is probably not one of the things you’d consider, but get tested for HIV and other diseases that can be carried by human tissue exposure.

Regardless of the results of those tests, get away from this guy now. He cannot control himself, and it’s likely to escalate to slap punches, and then you don’t want to think about that.

Down the road, he may try to win you back. Unless he can prove he has had counseling and has changed, walk away from him again. You don’t need him.

What is the best way to handle a situation where someone spits in your face intentionally?

Well, firstly, you need to ask yourself or that person WHY? A spit in the face, as daunting and upsetting as it may be, isn’t the end of the world. 

If you are strong-willed and able enough, walk away and be grateful that you would not do this to someone. We sometimes need to experience other people’s negativeness to appreciate who we are and to learn not to be ourselves or become. 

In other words, feeling hurt (within reason) is less of a burden than creating hurt. Being on the receiving end of wrongdoings often allows us to expiate our bad karma to make room for something better. 

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On the other hand, creating a bad cause is only a motivation provoked by existing bad karma that allows the bad karma to grow even stronger in our lives.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

My boyfriend spit on me, and I liked it. Is that weird?

No! Go for it! As long as you have a respectful relationship and both agree on practicing this kind of thing, as long as these games are just for fun and during moments you both feel like doing so, it’s amazing!

Have you ever spit in someone’s drink or in their face?

No. I consider spitting in someone’s drink both childish and cowardly.

I consider spitting in someone’s face childish and rude. I do not consider myself childish, cowardly, or rude (well, maybe a little childish).

Are you considering the spitting thing? There are better ways to express your anger or frustration. Use your words.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?
What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

Do you ever spit in a guy’s mouth?

Yes! Yes! Yes! OMG, this is so weird. I was seeing this guy a while back who had this fetish. We didn’t see each other for very long, but for all the time we were together, he would constantly cajole me into spitting in his mouth and face. 

He picked it up on some female domination p*rn. I wasn’t particularly grossed by it, but it didn’t thrill me either. It made him happy, so I did it as much as possible. 

Sometimes, when he wouldn’t stop begging me, I would rinse my mouth clean, drink some water, and spit it into his mouth. Looking back at the weird things I’ve done makes my stomach ache with laughter. LOL

Do people spit their drinks out when they’re surprised? Or does it only happen on television?

Sometimes yes. I’ve only done it once, with beer, of all drinks. I sat with four people in a pub in a square and sat around a table. I was opposite a man in a white shirt. You know what’s coming.

I quite fancied this man. He joked while I was taking a gulp; the beer went the wrong way. Normally, if I do this, I keep the splutter inside a closed mouth. However, it was combined with laughter and anxiety about wanting to make a good impression.

I started to choke; I tried to keep my mouth closed more than I’ve ever tried. This became an epic round of madly snorting air in and out of my nose. Pigswould’ve been embarrassed by the noises I was making.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

I started turning purple, so after about 27 minutes, I knew the beer wasn’t going down, and the air would only get in one way, even though I’d tried breathing through my eyeballs. 

My mouth opened, and a disgusting amount of beer projectile out, magnetized to the pristine white shirt. My mouth was like MaryPoppin’ss bag. The amount of liquid was ungodly.

It was all very sexy.

Has any kid spit on your face?

Yes, I was what was known as a junior tutor at the time – meaning students a few grades higher would be asked to tutor younger students in reading, math, or whatever.

One kid felt spitting at and on me would be impressive. She foolishly did so given both instructors – hers and mine, and I was asked what I wanted to have happen.

“Test us both for disease.”

They did it at the little witch’s parent’s expense.

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What happens if you drink someone’s spit?

It depends on if you get caught and who catches you. If you’re lucky, the guy will just beat your ass. Pray that I don’t catch you. I’ll have you arrested, charged with aggravated assault, and insist you be held for two weeks for Covid testing. 

Then I’ll sue you, ensure you’re fired from your job, and on and on. You’ll end up wishing I had just punched you out.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

I like it when girls spit in my mouth; is this normal?

Not all men are like that, but I’ve had a fair share of encounters. I feel like it’s not something you ask or “demand” at the beginning of your sexual encounters with that person. 

But there are some people you meet, and the intimacy is just hot, right? The first time a guy asked me or, in a way, demanded (in a respectful manner, of course) just in the middle of doing the deed. I was taken off guard. And it wasn’t like I was inexperienced; I just was skeptical. But turns out it’s sexy and fires it up a notch.

Noted- ( unless they have some nasty a** breath). In that case, find another partner to do that with. But no, it’s not gross. Everyone shares saliva when they kiss; it’s just a lot more at once than kissing and not thinking about the saliva being shared.

Hope this answers your question. But remember, not everyone has the same sexual intentions, and not everyone is as explorative as others in their s*x life.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

Has any kid spit on your face?

Yes, I was what was known as a junior tutor at the time – meaning students a few grades higher would be asked to tutor younger students in reading, math, or whatever.

One kid felt spitting at and on me would be impressive. She foolishly did so given both instructors – hers and mine, and I was asked what I wanted to have happen.

“Test us both for disease.”

They did it at the little witch’s parent’s expense.

What happens if you drink someone’s spit?

It depends on if you get caught and who catches you. If you’re lucky, the guy will just beat your ass. Pray that I don’t catch you. I’ll have you arrested, charged with aggravated assault, and insist you be held for two weeks for Covid testing. 

Then I’ll sue you, ensure you’re fired from your job, and on and on. You’ll end up wishing I had just punched you out.

I like it when girls spit in my mouth; is this normal?

Not all men are like that, but I’ve had a fair share of encounters. I feel like it’s not something you ask or “demand” at the beginning of your sexual encounters with that person. 

But there are some people you meet, and the intimacy is just hot, right? The first time a guy asked me or, in a way, demanded (in a respectful manner, of course) just in the middle of doing the deed. I was taken off guard. And it wasn’t like I was inexperienced; I just was skeptical. But turns out it’s sexy and fires it up a notch.

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Noted- ( unless they have some nasty a** breath). In that case, find another partner to do that with. But no, it’s not gross. Everyone shares saliva when they kiss; it’s just a lot more at once than kissing and not thinking about the saliva being shared.

Hope this answers your question. But remember, not everyone has the same s*xual intentions, and not everyone is as explorative as others in their s*x life.

What does it mean when someone spits in your face?

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