Is Voltbox a scam or legit? [Honest Review 2023]

Is Voltbox a scam or legit? [Honest Review 2023]

I don’t like to be blunt, but really…

If you cannot think, “Why is nobody I know aware of this magic device that can save every household thousands of dollars a year?”.

VOLTBOX was created specifically for you, and you are made for VoltBox.

While shopping, don’t forget to get the 10-cent magnet that you stick next to your car’s fuel line, which reduces your fuel bill by 90% – wow, what a coincidence. And it only costs $100, what a bargain, but don’t tell anybody because the fuel giants won’t like it. Let’s keep it between you and me – email me, and I’ll share their address with you.

By the way… Seeing we are such good friends now, I have written a tell-all book, How I Made a Billion Dollars in One Year”, a simple three-step guide that WILL WORK if you follow the steps – anybody can do it. 

It’s hush-hush because Bill Gates has already tried to stop me. (Billionaires are like magicians; they don’t like anyone who tells how it’s done.) I sold the first 50 million copies of my book for $10,000 each, but now that I am a multi-billionaire, you can get a copy for just $500. Email me, but remember, it’s hush-hush.

Is Voltbox a scam or legit? 

According to an electrical engineer who commented on Trustpilot, it’s an anti-rodent device that emits a high-pitched noise beyond the range of human hearing to scare away rats and even has that original product’s name on the outer casing.

Some adverts even show a completely unrelated image of tin foil placed over the fuse in a British Type-G plug, which is dangerously stupid and presents a risk of electrical fire.

Look, there are ads all over the internet that will offer you miracle solutions for everyday problems that, according to their blurb, big industry is “trying to hide from the public so they can keep making money.” If this product were genuine, the companies advertising it online could advertise on other media. 

This ad would never be run on British television, radio, or in the press because those media are bound by the terms of U.K. advertising legislation just as companies making the claims are, and adverts that make unproven and fraudulent claims to bilk money from unwitting members of the public are a strict no-no.

The problem is that advertising on the internet needs to be regulated at a national level in the country where an ad is shown, even if ads are targeted towards consumers in that country because the ad is hosted overseas. 

The reason that these ads get so much traffic even from supposedly legitimate sources such as national newspapers is that those organizations do not run their advertising online directly; it is outsourced to an external company, usually overseas, that gets space in the website’s pages for its ads, the U.K. inserts whatever ads it chooses. It pays the web site owner a share of the commission it receives from the advertiser.

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This means the website owner does not care whether ads appearing on its pages are legal under U.K. advertising laws. If someone tries to sue, they can claim they rented out the space and had no editorial control over the content.

These scams will continue until national governments make companies operating within their countries’ borders adhere to the same advertising legislation in online media as they must follow in other forms of media.

To cut a long story short, whenever you see claims that a device is being suppressed because established businesses don’t want competition, it’s a scam.

Is “” a scam?

Knowing how electricity works, it looks like the dumbest product someone could be scammed into buying. It is disgusting that scammers make things like this for the public. It looks like a total waste of electricity.

Is Voltbox a scam or legit? [Honest Review 2023]

Everything on Voltbox’s website screams fake. My favorite one is by Daniel “Fake” Walker – he gets my “Like” this week when I see it:

If he “just received” it, how come he has already “Saved a TON of money”? Wow, that’s quicker than I can say, “Voltbox sucks.”

These gimmick devices claim to correct the power factor, the ratio of real power (measured in kWh) to apparent power (measured in kVA). It’s a factor between -1 and 1 and is representative of the efficiency. 

A higher power factor means a more efficient electrical circuit because more power can be used. Capacitive and inductive loads in a circuit cause the power factor to be less than one.

So, while this electrical phenomenon is not a scam, customers of residential electricity –and most small businesses– do not pay for poor power efficiency. Regardless if these devices correct the power factor or not, these devices won’t change a domestic electricity bill, which is for real power, not apparent power.

In other words, if your electricity bill doesn’t mention kVA (the measure of apparent power), you will not benefit from power factor correction.

A couple of these “magic” little plug-in devices promise to reduce your electricity bill. The websites that praise them all use phony jargon like “dirty electricity,” “phenomenal savings,” “Big Energy wants this device hidden,” and “spell the end of their profiteering.” 

This thing won’t do anything of that. But I did wonder what’s actually in it and found a good review on these by my favorite Big Clive:

It might not be a Voltbox, but they’re all the same. In fact, you might see other devices like the Eco-Watt, EcoPlug, MiracleWatt, Voltex, and Voltbox. If the Voltbox is exposed (as I’m showing here), there will be another one: Voltex seems surprisingly similar to Volt Box.

Sadly, the cheap and easy media will always jump on these stories. I’m sure you know your local cheap media outlet in Australia, Channel Seven, Channel Nine, and the tabloid News Corp stuff; otherwise, always trust Facebook. 😉 Their journalistic standards surprise me; getting right into it, no questions asked. 

But occasionally, even a 54 Pulitzer Prize-winning media like The Associated Press (shame on you) falls for it: PowerVolt Energy Saver Review – Smart Energy Saving Device. But then again, they seem to thrive on scandals, too.

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You could buy these things at retailers, which made it look even more legit. 

Luckily, our consumer watchdog got them, but how many had to be scammed? With so much of our shopping now going online, the bar for scams is lowered once more. I just typed in “Voltbox,” and thankfully, Google supports me right away:

Only the first one is not a scam. I looked it up; it’s a power monitor. But as you can see, it’s all over Wish and eBay. Amazon sells it, too.

So, is it surprising that people fall for it when journalistic standards are so low and the advertising media so easily aid scammers?

Is Voltbox legit or a scam? It claims to reduce your electricity bill by up to 90%.

Nothing will reduce your WHOLE electric bill by 90%.

Going from regular to LED lighting might save you 80%, but only for the cost of lighting. It doesn’t reduce your whole bill by that amount.

Is Voltbox a scam or legit? [Honest Review 2023]

If you would like to know how to lie and make fake news convincing, then please learn from these power-saving companies.

The power-saving devices are nothing but dangerous gimmicks that do nothing when they are plugged in. You will get no savings on your electricity bill.

Here is a more detailed description of the reason.

A lot of videos explain how it is a scam in a very complicated way. However, let me explain the truth of the power saver in a simple way.

The energy meter shows the Kilowatt-hours (KWh) reading based on which our electricity bill is prepared.

The formula to calculate power consumption is: –

E = P × t, where P=power and t=time

E = V × I × t × P.F., where P = V × I and P.F. = power factor.

The power savers mainly contain a capacitor inside them, which will increase the power factor and thus decrease the current.

Thus, when the ammeter shows a decrease in current, people think that they are actually saving power as they feel that, by decreasing current, the power measurement decreases. 

This is why most power saver advertisements are done on measurement boards that only have an ammeter and do not have a power factor meter or a Kilowatt-hour meter. It is deliberately done to promote the power saver hiding the truth.

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However, when the current decreases, the power factor also increases, thus having no real effect on the energy measurement in Kilowatt-hours (KWh).

Therefore, power savers do not work and are a notorious waste of money. Never purchase a power saver, as it is a really wasteful investment.

However, power savers technically worked in the 1930s or before as the energy measurement was in Volt Ampere Reactive (VAR). It mostly had nothing to do with the Power Factor, and thus, decreasing the current reading on the ammeter would reduce the power consumption measurement on the power meter.

Due to the introduction of measurement based on the Power Factor, it is impossible today.

Does Voltex work as advertised, or is it another scam claiming to cut the electricity bill?

Of course, it’s a scam. It’s just like all the others that have been debunked.

There is no way some little gimmick you plug into the wall can regulate voltage or cut your electric bill; it’s all smoke and mirrors. And for an extra large home, they suggest you spend $200 on five units and another $10 each for a “protection plan.”

It takes a lot of nerve to claim that you can reduce your electric bill by 90%! Where are the independent lab tests to prove this?

Does Voltizer Power Saver work as advertised, or is it another scam claiming to cut the electricity bill?

I suggest you wait if you’re considering getting the Voltizer power-saving device. In the case of Voltizer, many things need to be added up.

The website’s assertions are false. Don’t let the word ‘Voltizer’ fool you. Previously, it was known as Voltex. It will not be able to steady your current, eliminate contaminated electricity, or reduce your power bill.

Meanwhile, it has gone by other names, including Motex, Voltbox, Watt Rescue, Ecowatt, Miracle Watt, and so on, but they are all the same. They could be more effective. Many consumers claimed these gadgets did not conserve energy or lower electricity bills.

Does Voltizer Power Saver Work?

The answer to the question is NO.

No, fancy-looking devices plugged into outlets will never save you money on electricity.

In a home, the only way to do so is to switch things off or replace them with more energy-efficient alternatives.

Is Voltizer a Scam or Legit?

Yes, it is correct. The BBC has written on the power-saving gadget con here. Voltizer and similar energy-saving devices are dangerous and could cause a fire or electrocution.

Voltizer is a viral energy-saving gadget that attracts consumers by making deceptive claims. Even after months of use, it does not significantly lower power bills. Beware! The Voltizer energy or power saver will not be able to steady your current, eliminate unclean electricity, or reduce your electricity cost.

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Conclusion: Is Voltbox a scam or legit?

Yes, it works perfectly- if your objective is to increase your electricity bill! I fell for this scam and bought three boxes to cover my unit fully. 

It was with great excitement that I opened my new electricity bill, looking for the huge savings I was told I would get, only to find that my bill had increased over the last bill by some 15%! When will I learn to read the reviews before pushing the “buy” button?

Is Voltbox a scam or legit? [Honest Review 2023]

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