Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Some will tell you it’s because Canada is safer. Uh-uh. Canada’s violent crime rate is rapidly catching up to the U.S.

The difference between American and Canadian criminals is that you are allowed to defend yourself against criminals in America.

The bleeding hearts who passed those laws believe that every criminal is a product of society. The bleeding hearts say that nobody stopped their dads or moms from beating them. So it’s not their fault that they turned out the way they did, so we shouldn’t hurt them. This was actually how a very liberal Canadian explained things to me.

You cannot carry so much as a pen knife, pepper spray, or even a toothpick for self protection in Canada because the politicians—who live in the richest neighborhoods—made it illegal. 

You can carry a baseball bat in your car, but make sure you also have a baseball glove and a ball to claim to be a ball player. If you are stopped with a knife, a cop may trick you into saying you only carry it for self defence. Nope. Wrong answer. Say that, and you’ll get arrested and prosecuted by the Crown.

No—you say that your knife is only for coring apples or cutting up cardboard boxes, that you know you would never prevail in a knife fight, and you wouldn’t even think of trying. Beware those cops who try to trick you into admitting a “crime.”

I hope that one day, the laws will change. The only thing the stupid laws do is disarm honest people while the gangbangers run around armed to the teeth.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Which weapons do you mean? Pistols, semi-auto rifles, shotguns? Knives, baseball bats, chainsaws? All are legal to own; ALL are legal to use in self defense.

If you wander around downtown Toronto with a 12ga or an idling McCulloch, you’ll be invited for coffee and an involved discussion with the Metros. Still, the law allows fairly robust ‘rules of engagement’ to defend the person and home.

Why does Canada not allow self defense as a reason to own a firearm?

Hmm. If I could re-word “self defense” for clarity, the question becomes, “Why does Canada not allow, as a reason to obtain a gun, that you are preparing yourself to shoot someone.” If you need to shoot a non-human threat, such as a bear, there’s no problem. 

If you have a gun you obtained for some other reason, and you were forced to use it to defend yourself from a human being, the courts would be understanding. 

But having a large number of people walking around with guns that have no purpose except to be used against other people when and if the gun-bearer determines… that people will get shot. Some of those people will die. 

Many of whom shouldn’t. That’s not in doubt. So, it is contrary to the public good to have the public armed to shoot each other.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

What self defense items can I use in my home to defend myself in Canada?

Your options are as limitless as your imagination. For example, I used a pool noodle last time I had to defend myself in my home. Sprayed water all over the wife. She was being obstreperous over the wine service poolside and was making aggressive moves on me.

That set her to rights, I’ll tell you!

But you mean self-defense in the case of a home invasion. Well, again, your choice is limitless.

One former prime minister confronted an intruder with an Inuit sculpture in his hand. He served as a great example for the rest of us. Blunt objects need not be artless.

Chances are up here if somebody’s intruding into your home; they are either drunk, mistaken, Charlie from down the street being a ******, or desperate thieves after your hockey card collection and the like. If they are in the latter case or category, they will not likely have the money to possess a gun.

If they don’t have one, you don’t need one. Guns in the house have a habit of hurting the wrong people anyway. I would probably grab my old hockey stick and bang it on the stairs a few times on my way down so the guy could jump out the window before I got there. If he persisted, I probably work up the five-minute major on his a$$. Does this answer your question? I hope so.

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Why is pepper spray not allowed to be carried in Canada? Will police arrest you in Canada if you carry it?

Because in Canada, normal human beings are not allowed to protect themselves. Only the police are allowed to protect themselves. Just like a police dog is considered to be like a human. 

But yours or my dog is considered just that. That’s why, in Canada, crime does pay; we Canadians have got to stop allowing our government to pass laws without us having a say. Regarding protecting yourself, places always sell you Tasers or pepper spray; I have both items because when it comes to my children, I don’t give a rat’s ass what our laws say.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Canada is banning 1,500 different assault-style weapons. Does anyone know how many weapons remain legal in this country?

Yes. Almost all of them. The idea that Canada is banning 1,500 different weapons is a “palter”—a lie that’s technically true, literally speaking, but misleading.

Canada banned about half a dozen firearms, plus guided missile launchers, man-portable antiaircraft missiles, and mortars.

So, where does the number 1,500 come from?

You’re being deceived.

The number 1,500 comes from listing every copy, variant, knockoff, and clone of the banned half-dozen guns.

What do you think of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau announcing a ban on assault-style weapons following the deadly shooting in Nova Scotia?

The legislation is not a response to this event. The list of 1500 weapons includes anti-tank missile systems like the Javelin and TOW, antiaircraft missile systems like the Stinger and Redeye, mortars (“Austrian Mortar M6 60MM”, “German Mortar 1934 Granatwerfer”) and rockets (“Rocket Launcher RPG-7”).

It will make criminals of more than a hundred thousand Canadians. There have been six shootings in fifty years in Canada. What are other cases where such a disproportionate response is made? Maybe the drug war.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?
Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

I’m traveling to Canada as a young female. What can I carry for self defense?

Believe it or not, carrying any weapon or object intending to use it for self defense is illegal. That being said, there is a small loophole. The key word is intent, so you’re in the clear as long as you have an object that can be used for everyday tasks but can also coincidentally be used as a weapon.

For example, if you’re hiking or walking on trails, you can carry bear spray with the intent of using it against wild animals that may attack you, but you could also use it if a person attacks you because you just so happen to have it on you.

But what if you’re in an urban area? Here, it gets more tricky because you can’t carry knives or pepper spray in the city like you would be able to in a rural area or in the wild. What you could do is carry a pen. Not just any pen, a very strong pen, perhaps a “tactical” pen. 

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

You could find tons of these for sale online. There are different kinds, and some have extra features, but generally speaking, they’re all made of metal and can be used to stab. A good hit anywhere on the body could hurt, maybe even puncture the skin. Ideally, you’d want to aim for the throat or eyes, but even getting stabbed in the leg with one of these things is not pleasant.

I only mentioned a few tools with everyday uses, but tons are out there. Tactical flashlights, canes, umbrellas, really any item that has a reasonable everyday use for where you are traveling could be carried. 

Again, it’s important you never mention you are carrying an item for self defense, but rather you carried an item for another use and just so happened to have it on you so that you could use it as a weapon.

How does the government want me to handle an armed intruder in my home in Canada? (Let’s say they have a knife.)

The police give the following advice:

  1. Don’t deal with major amounts of drugs out of your home.
  2. Only store small amounts of undeclared cash in your home.
  3. Don’t store large numbers of weapons in your home.
  4. If you ignore 1, 2, and 3 above, do not, and I cannot emphasize this enough, go around bragging to your friends that you have large amounts of drugs, cash, and/or weapons in your home.

If you follow these four rules, your home will magically never be the subject of an armed intruder. You may have some unarmed intruders (burglaries happen), but they will certainly show up when you’re not home. 

It’s only if you have large amounts of drugs, cash, or weapons in your house that you have been bragging about that people will show up in your home, while you’re there, with weapons, to take your drugs, cash, and/or weapons by trying to get the jump on you.

Now, I would like to differ with some of the advice because if you have large amounts of drugs, cash, and weapons in your home and an armed intruder tries to break in, calling 911 might be a bad idea. 

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Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Not a terrible idea, mind you. The police will still show up with their guns, but they will, at best, take your drugs, money, and weapons, too, although they will be very professional when they do so.

You see, the police analyzed all the home invasions that take place in our wonderful country, and they found two things in common

  1. The victim always had large amounts of drugs, cash, and weapons, and
  2. The perpetrators were always known to the victims. You can’t trust anyone nowadays.

How is a female Canadian supposed to protect herself in Canada when self defense weapons are illegal in almost all circumstances?

You’re not, that’s the point. We are supposed to let someone assault and or rape us because the criminals apparently are special, and we can’t hurt them; God forbid women should be allowed to protect ourselves.

I say carry something anyway, and to hell with the law; better alive and in jail.

Justin Trudeau says Canadians do not have the right to defend themselves with firearms. Is that true?

Yes and no. The reality is a bit more nuanced.

You cannot purchase a firearm for self defense (unless you fit under one of the few exceptional cases), and you can’t keep a loaded firearm around the house or in your car for that purpose.

Canadians do, however, have a right to the security of a person. If the only way to save your life was to use a firearm on someone else, the courts might find that justified. However, the courts will look at the facts of the situation to make a determination.

Edit: Charles has been blocked for his increasingly outlandish trolling. Trash goes out of the airlock.

Will I be charged if I shoot a home invader in Canada?


While using a firearm in self defense isn’t always illegal in Canada, Canadian law requires “perfect self defense.” Don’t shoot somebody unarmed, even if it was the middle of the night and you couldn’t tell. Don’t shoot someone drunk or on drugs, regardless of your inability to tell.

Further, You can’t keep a firearm in Canada for self defense. As such, it’s almost impossible to have one to employ legally.

What level of resistance is legal in the case of a home invasion in Canada?

First of all, “home invasions” are vanishingly rare in Canada. I remember an interview with a Toronto cop who specialized in home invasions, and he said that he had never once investigated a home invasion in which there was no connection between the victim and the perpetrator.

With that said, the rule on this is very simple: You may respond with proportionate resistance.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?
Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Can I buy a Taser in the U.S. and bring it to Canada in a suitcase?

Nope. If you declare it, customs will seize it as a prohibited weapon. If you fail to declare it and they find it, customs will seize it, and you will be arrested for smuggling a prohibited weapon into Canada. 

If you get it into Canada without getting caught and are later caught with it, it will be seized by police, and you will be arrested on prohibited weapons charges and almost certainly spend time as someone’s prison wife.

What weapons can I carry in Canada for self defense? Can I use lethal force? Would this qualify as a justifiable cause to carry a firearm?

So, let’s get real, as in realistic.

The worst neighborhoods in Canada are the following:

  • Jane-Finch. I rode a bike and walked through it many, many times, often after dark.
  • The Jungle north of Avenue Road and Lawrence. I walked through it regularly because it was on the way to work.
  • The Armoury District of Toronto. I walked through it many times after dark, and my wife used to wander through it regularly as a 20-something blonde when she was a case worker for Metro Social Services.
  • Main and Hastings in Vancouver. I walked through it dozens of times after dark and had coffee a couple of blocks from there earlier today.
  • Winnipeg is the murder capital of Canada. Been there a dozen or so times.

Where else have I been for comparison?

  • Sao Paulo.
  • Rio de Janeiro.
  • Bali.
  • Bangkok.
  • etc

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What do these places have in common? A reputation for extreme violence, just like Canada’s much more narrowly defined neighborhoods and tiny cities.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

You’re not at risk; you’re just unnecessarily scared. The biggest weapons you can bring are the following:

  • Not walking like a victim. Just walk with confidence and focus on your destination as opposed to terror-skulking.
  • Situational awareness. Do you think some street needs to be more sketchy? Don’t walk down it. Don’t stay away from dark alley shortcuts at night. Walk where there are lots of people.

Never get an offensive weapon thinking it will make you safer. They don’t. They make you less safe because they make you stupid and offensive. And I say this as a former infantry reserve guy who was a marksman in multiple weapons, a machine gunner, and a shooting coach.

What is the best weapon for personal defense that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

This is a high-quality, twist-locking carabiner. I’ve encouraged many people who train with us to carry this. It is nigh-indestructible and provides a place to clip your keys to your belt or hang a bag (or purse) from a counter, stool, table, or chair. 

It provides a lot of functional utility. It is not a weapon. It can function like a kubaton, which serves no other “non-weapon” purpose. If you’re going to carry a mini-baton, you should carry a knife. 

It’s still a weapon, just a less efficient one. The advantage is that most average-sized people can fit their four fingers inside it and get a steady grip. This leaves the bottom loop under the hand, creating an excellent striking surface.

If asked post-incident what someone used to strike an attacker with a carabiner, the answer is “my keys.” It will be hard to articulate that a simple loop with many useful uses was purposely carried as a weapon. It becomes a weapon of opportunity if needed, but under a potentially life-threatening attack, so would anything else that a person randomly picked up to protect themselves.

Caveat: The true importance of personal defense cases like these relies heavily on articulating a reasonable fear that one was actually in danger.

Caveat 2: This is not legal advice, just a perspective on potential personal defense options.

Edit: I used this specific item as an example because it will likely be legal everywhere. Other non-firearm weapons like tasers, pepper sprays, and knives have their place, but people often live where these firearms are not legal.

Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Is a knife a good weapon for self defense?

  • Knife: extends your reach slightly. It can be used against you. Gross. It’s easy to be disarmed. It isn’t helpful if you don’t need to learn the technique.
  • Spray doesn’t only work against some people. It can hit you, too. Must hit them directly in the eyes for real effectiveness (don’t count on it).
  • Tazer: must hit directly with both prongs. Most habitual criminals already know how to defeat these.
  • Stun gun: see knife. Only stupid.
  • Baton/bat/long heavy thing: illegal to carry on most counts. Oddly, it will often get you a pre-meditated.
  • Pistol: scary. Easy to use. Almost always works (always, if you learned how to use it first). Huge deterrent. The mere fact that others have them is a secondary defense for YOU.

Make your choice and live with it.

If an American passes through Canada, what kinds of firearms can be brought for self defense or to defend against dangerous wildlife?

The use of deadly force (even if the intent was not to kill) in Canada to counter a non-deadly attack by another person is manslaughter. 

Fear for one’s life is not an accepted reason for using deadly force where the threat faced was not deadly. This determination will be made after the fact – get it wrong. 

One goes to prison unless they find a sympathetic jury (which happens occasionally, but then the prosecution will look at other offenses like unlawful use of a firearm to exact their pound of flesh.) 

At common law, a person may only use an equal amount of force that is being used against them, and they must retreat before employing deadly force. The final arbiter of what was reasonable will be a judge and jury – but one does have the right to stand their ground and say ‘Sorry!’

All non-restricted firearms (most long arms) must be transported and unloaded. Because Canadians do not openly display firearms and many are uneasy around firearms, care should be taken to be discreet about the fact that one is transporting weapons – it is best to keep them locked up and out of sight. 

Restricted weapons such as pistols and other handguns must be transported in a disabled form using a locking device. The bolt or bolt carrier must be removed if possible for automatic weapons. 

Restricted weapons must be transported in opaque locked cases and separately from ammunition. Lastly, permission must be obtained in advance to transport a restricted weapon.

Firearms must be declared at entry. Permitted weapons must be registered, fees paid, and secured by Canada’s laws. Prohibited weapons and weapons denied entry in many cases, if declared, may be surrendered for destruction or returned to the United States by CBSA personnel to be returned to their owner, who can turn around to take care of the matter on the U.S. side. 

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Why are weapons for self defense banned in Canada?

Forget to declare (even by honest mistake), and one will find themselves arrested; their weapons (even the legal ones) will be seized and destroyed along with other penalties that may apply.

For Americans going from the CONUS to Alaska, the best way to get weapons through Canada is by FedEx, UPS, USPS, and other major shipping companies that will ship the weapons to an address in Alaska. Long weapons that meet the rules are fine; just be prepared to leave them locked up while transiting Canada.

Other unlawful self defense weapons are Mace, batons, brass knuckles, throwing blades or knives, etc. Leave your insecurities in America; Canada doesn’t have a boogeyman hiding around every corner.

It is safe up here. No need to worry about being caught up in a mass shooting at a mall, church, synagogue, mosque, workplace, airport, or just about any place where the public gathers for this or that. Our police can be trusted to be fellow Canadians who have a job to do and will do it courteously and professionally.

Remember, the U.S. Constitution and its protections end at the border. Don’t worry; we have our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, the right to own and possess firearms is not one of them.

No worries, eh!

What self defense weapon is legal in the U.K.?

I will put this into very simple terms for the hard of thinking to remove any doubt on what is law rather than fable.

No, you cannot carry any weapon in the U.K. for self defense unless authorized.

Yes, you can use anything you legally own in self defense if the force is not grossly disproportionate. There is plenty of case law to show this. Before anyone quotes R v Martin, do your homework. 

The jury would rely on r v Ray and R v Palmer, not a farmer with an illegally possessed firearm who shot two fleeing intruders in the back, killing one of them.

Some of you may have been drinking too deeply of Wayne Lapierre’s propaganda. If that is the case, find another 2a movement that does not fund the boss’s lifestyle but gives grassroots support and tells the truth about the outside world. I support the U.S. gun culture in many answers, but some use the propaganda thing to do the us vs. them thing.

Why are weapons for self defence banned in Canada?

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