Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

Wide shoulders are the equivalent of big breasts.

Just think about it as follows:

Ideal men’s body types often have narrower hips than shoulders, and vice versa for women.

Wide shoulders make you look bigger, which women tend to prioritise when choosing potential males because females tend statistically (smaller female average size) and biologically to choose taller, bigger men.

If a female has the choice between two almost identical twins, but one is a bit taller, she almost definitely will go for the taller dude, except the other one has a noticeably larger shoulder width.

However, as almost always with women, they won’t tell you the truth directly regarding sexual stuff because they care more about the image of their gender than men do, especially since our is always low (stuff like “men only think about one thing”) so we tend not to care.

The best example would be rubbernecking:

It is almost considered an art under men because most men openly look, so not getting caught is a win.

On the other hand, women condemn this sort of behaviour while doing it very stealthy, especially younger girls who fail to do this.

I once caught a young girl looking at me through a void on the shelf next to the cashier.

A few months prior, two girls followed me around in the store (yes, They did; I did some unnecessary strategic movements, and they always appeared in the same aisle, even leaving when I did). The reason for this was something many women claim not to rubberneck at: my bulge.

I’m trying to say that you shouldn’t listen to what women say about their sexual preferences but rather look at what they do.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

My Mum does. She always said, “He was lovely. Shoulders like Rock Hudson” broke her heart when she heard he was gay. “Not my Rock, he never was. He was a man’s man” (yes, Mum exactly)

Yes. Broad Shoulders and muscular arms are so attractive. It’s masculine .. just like a female lion looks for the strongest and most protective male.. we humans do as well. I think it is an instinct of the female human or animal to look for someone to protect them.

Do men like intelligent women?

Oh yes, definitely! I swear to God, after meeting many women, I concluded that intelligent women are like aliens. You never get to meet them, and you hear rumours about them that they exist.

We always enjoy talking to women who say I understand your point of view, but then…

Instead of

Oh yeah? Fine, do what you want. Don’t talk to me… X-(

I love talking to intelligent women. They are sexier than the sexy ones.

Why don’t girls give attention if a guy is handsome, tall and has a good gym physique?

Hell No !!!!

We do give attention. We checkout, guys. From head to toe.

at workplace (whispering mode on)

She: “Don’t look at your left. The guy in the purple shirt is so hot.”

stare them from the corner of the eyes.

Me: “Yo girl….he is hot. How do you find such boys.”

She: “Talent babes….talent. Aankhon ka talent(talent of eyes)”

At the market (full volume)

Me: “OMG…… look at the biceps of the guy in black shades. I think i am gonna die.”

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Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

She: “please. do the honors.After that, i am gonna ask him out.”

and when he looks towards us -damn!!! We pretend like we are seeing the couple beside him.

We drool over them (in our imaginary world).Period.

Going anonymous as some girls may get offended.

I have no hips, broad shoulders, and big arms as a woman. My weight is normal, but how could any male find me attractive?

I find you attractive because you are a woman.

Physical attractiveness is overrated. The woman I married more than forty years ago wasn’t my “ideal” woman in physical appearance, but she is beautiful and has been the best mother our four daughters could ever have wanted. 

I have always loved her with all my heart, but my heart must have got bigger because I love her more now than ever.

Do women like unintelligent men? Why or why not?

One day, about 15 years ago, I was planning a trip to Six Flags with my cousin and her boyfriend. Since they were worried about me not having someone to sit next to on the rides, they decided to set me up with their friend.

I met him the night before our ‘big fun day’ – and even at first glance, I knew he wasn’t quite right in the head. He had a bit of crazy eyes. But then, he was also pretty wasted.

I pulled my cousin into the next room and told her, ‘No. F-ing. Way. I am NOT going on a ‘date’ with that guy. He looks like a big stupid loser.’ (He was holding an empty vodka bottle and couldn’t stop smiling and staring at me.)

My cousin told me to relax since it would be for one day and just to have someone to sit next to on the roller coasters. How bad could it be, she said?

Well, the next morning, the three of us went to pick him up at his house on the way to the amusement park. When he walked out the door, I thought it was a different person. My mouth fell open. Now that he was sober and all fresh-faced for the morning, he was so cute and so sexy; I was sure I was going to enjoy the day after all.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

On the way there, while talking in the car, he confirmed repeatedly that he was of very little intelligence. But he also made me laugh like nobody’s business, and he had a sweetness about him that was so simple and boyish in a big strong man’s body. The sexual attraction was through the roof.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

By the end of the ‘date,’ I couldn’t believe how much the sexual tension had built up – despite his low IQ. The heat between us was so animalistic, so primal, it couldn’t be ignored, and it got the better of me.

Nothing happened that night, but two days later, I saw him again, and just as the first time, the chemistry was pulling me and making me weak in the knees.

This one ‘date’ turned into a nearly four-year-long relationship.

I had never in my life, and I never will again feel that physical connection with someone. We fit like hand in glove.

He was the most amazing lover I had ever known. He treated me so well, with so much love, respect, kindness and sweetness… it would bring me to tears on several occasions.

To give you an idea of what level he suffered from a lack of intelligence, I’ll give you a short list of examples:

  1. He thought the year 1900 was the beginning of time.
  2. When he saw that his birth certificate said ‘9.0’ underweight, he believed he was a 90lb newborn.
  3. When attempting to measure the width of a door one day, he insisted it was 8″ across. That’s because the tape measurer he was using had the inches restart after every foot – so instead of noticing that it was past the 3′ mark, he only paid attention to the 8″.
  4. He could not figure out the formula for marking boxes at work as ‘1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5,’ etc.
  5. He had trouble reading and spelling and sometimes recalling the right words. Such as ‘cherish’ and ‘cherries.’ So he would say something like, “I cherish you.”
  6. One day, he repeatedly dialled a man’s phone number, who kept trying to tell him that he had the wrong number. He kept trying it, anyway, because he was convinced that two people could have the same phone number coincidentally.

Oh, I could go on and on!

I knew from the beginning, in my mind, that I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get involved with someone who was so mentally challenged. And, at first, because I wanted him physically to such an extreme, I rationalized that he was the male equivalent to the female dumb blonde. Or something like the John Travolta character from ‘Welcome Back, Kotter.’

But then, something else happened after a while and only a little while. I started to have feelings for him. At first, they were feelings of empathy and wanting to protect him from the world. Then, they were feelings of just missing him… missing the way he smiled and would pick me up and spin me around and kiss me, and the feeling of snuggling up in those big, strong arms.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

And then… I started to love him. Oh, woe is me. I tried to push it away, but I couldn’t. It happened so fast that I didn’t know what hit me.

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But even as I sank quickly into the quagmire of love with this man, I kept thinking… “I could never marry him. What if we had a baby, and I died or something, and he was responsible for caring for it? The baby might need medicine one day, and it’s virtually guaranteed that he would fuck up the dosage, and possibly kill it. No, no. I can’t ever allow that to happen.”

Eventually, I started to rationalize things differently. I told myself, “Suppose that when you first met him, he was just as smart as could be. But then, after you married him and had a baby, he got into a car accident that caused permanent damage to his brain. Would you divorce him over something that wasn’t his fault?”

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

On and on, I made excuses. On and on, I continued to ‘feel’ happy and in love, but I continued to ‘think’ of how stupid he was and how these two things couldn’t possibly be a good combination.

When I found out he was using cocaine, I thought it was a blessing in disguise. I thought, ‘Now is my chance! I can end this once and for all and blame it on the drug use.” It was a very bittersweet discovery.

But then, he wanted to get help for it and asked me to go with him to talk to a drug counsellor. Sitting there, in that little office, next to him… I will never forget the question he was asked, how he answered it, and how it brought tears to my eyes and pulled me right back into the black hole of loving someone who didn’t even know how many days there were in a year, or what day Christmas is on.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

The counsellor asked him, “How do you feel when you take cocaine?’

He said, “I feel smart. I feel like, for once, I know what’s going on.”

Ohhhhh my GOD. Hearing him say those words – realizing for the first time that he had a self-awareness about his ‘low intelligence’ – and that he felt bad about it. Wow. It killed me. I wanted to hug, protect, and take care of him like my child.

And that’s what was the beginning of the end. I began to see him like a child, and my feelings toward him turned more motherly than anything else.

But to this day, I miss him and wonder what ever became of him. I lay awake some nights, wondering where he was and if he was okay. 

I fantasize about winning the lottery, tracking him down, and setting up a trust fund so he would always have a place to live and food to eat. He could have been better at keeping a job. Not because he wasn’t a hard worker, but because he just kept fucking up.

In all these years, I found what I suspected to be true. There was never again a lover in my life who made me feel what he made me feel. 

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

When I think back on it now, despite the worries and frustrations and embarrassment of being with someone who understood things in such a retarded fashion… those years were the happiest of my life. 

I mean pure, simple happiness. The kind of happiness you might have if you lived in a tribe, in the middle of the jungle, where there were no such things as books, tape measurers, calendars, or IQ tests. I’m talking about primal happiness – without logic or reason. Pure sensation.

And so, to answer the question… It’s both a yes and a no. Yes, I couldn’t help but fall in love with a man of limited intelligence – and I was able to find happiness with him. But no, I could not accept it as something permanent. It doomed us from the start, and there was no getting around it.

One last thing… don’t imagine this man as a squinty-eyed, slack-jawed dufus who wore a perpetual expression of DUH on his face. No no. He was a tall, muscular, good-looking man. He had a ‘cool’ look about him, with a black leather jacket, earrings, a dragon tattoo, and Harley Davidson boots. 

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Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

He could carry on a conversation just like anyone else – and have opinions just like anyone else… but his responses would be so utterly and fantastically ridiculous sounding one would think it was all a big joke. 

He had countless friends who thought he was ‘hilarious’ – and probably never realized how damaged his brain was.

And oh, by the way… I did get married ten years later, and guess what? The man I married was incredibly smart. He solved the Rubik’s Cube in under 3 minutes every single time. 

His shelves were filled with books about physics and aero-engineering, in which he had his degree. He could do anything, fix anything, figure anything out – and was like a walking encyclopedia. BUT… I was nowhere as happy with him as I was with my low-IQ guy, who had a heart the size of Texas and a brain the size of a pea.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

The marriage with Einstein ended very badly. He was SO cerebral; there was no chance for that silly, goofy hugging and kissing. There was almost no affection or sex at all, and life was very dull in the romance department.

What is the moral of this story?

That’s something I’ll think about until my last dying day.


This is the best photograph I ever took in my life. It’s my ex, the one in the story, walking next to my god-daughter – through the parking lot of Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. I’ve had this in a frame and hanging on my wall all these years. It’s from the 1990s.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

Do women find quiet, shy, or introverted men attractive?

This one does! I’ve always been attracted to quiet, shy men. A few reasons:

1) I assume they have a lot going on in their heads, which is infinitely more fascinating and attractive to me than what comes out of their mouth.

2) When they do talk, I find their comments deep, considerate and reflective. And special because you know it’s intended for your ears, not the world.

3) I’m outgoing; I often clash with other outgoing people, and we compete for oxygen. Or I tone down and feel not myself.

I married a quiet, shy person. He’s now not as quiet as I thought, a real chatty Cathy; I’m thinking of trading him in for a throw pillow.

But on the whole, definitely, absolutely YES.

What do guys find most attractive about a girl?

Say the girl I’m attracted to has the name Vini. Say she is short and dusky with deep and dark eyes. She is far from the perfect figure, the kind of girl most guys would drop their jaws for.

Yet, there is something special about her. Something that makes her the most attractive person I know. Why is it so? Keep reading, and you’ll know.

  • She doesn’t think of me as weak when I cry. Rather, she lends me her shoulder and wipes off my tears. I do not have to pretend to be a strong, confident person who is perfect. She understands that I’m imperfect and appreciates my acceptance of it. This understanding that Vini holds with me attracts me to her.
  • She knows I like playing, dancing, singing and jumping around like a 12-year-old. So she tags along. She, too, plays, dances, sings and jumps along with me. Being with her is always like reliving my childhood. And I love my childhood. This accommodating nature of Vini attracts me to her.
  • She is someone who has no barriers or awkwardness when talking to me. Be it sex, periods, STDs, politics, porn or economics. I can talk to her about whatever comes into my head. And she always responds and talks back. It’s always very affirming and comforting for me. This comforting and boundary-free nature of Vini attracts me to her.

I can go on this way, pointing out various reasons. But now I would like to sum up.

I do not go by the looks. Rather, I prefer talking, knowing and then forming my choices regarding my relationships with people. And when being attracted to a girl is the case. 

Then, she must make me feel comfortable and understand me. She must be the person who does not demand or desire for me to change. Rather, enjoy the differences between the two of us.

Now, that’s the kind of girl who I’m attracted to.

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Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

Why do women like big, strong arms on a man?

Because, as much as modern society likes to disagree, women exist to make babies. Reproduction of the species is why we all exist. That’s just biology. Men have two functions: Provide food for and protect said babies and provide the other half of the genetic material. 

The second part is minimal, so a man must be built for hunting and caving in other males’ skulls should they try to harm his offspring or supplant his genetic material. Big, strong arms allow spears to be thrown further and skulls to be crushed.

Biology doesn’t get forgotten as we have forgotten why traditional gender roles exist. People have only been equal for the past 50 years. (Maybe, depending on what group you speak with!) 

Women’s bodies remember the last 5 million years of human evolution, and even if the brain ignores science, pheromones and the unconscious mind do not. They tend to be more attracted to men who provide their children with resources.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

What muscle do girls like the most?

Probably Abs, then arms, then chest.

Girls, for some reason, look at abs and think that a guy is ‘Ripped’ and ‘In-shape’ but generally, the guy looks like this:

Okay, okay, ladies, stop drooling over the Calvin Klein Model.

So yes, gentlemen, if you look like the guy above, in a girl’s mind you look like this:

Okay, fair enough, this is an exaggeration, but still, I’m just emphasizing the point: your random off-the-street girl can’t tell; as long as you have abs and a bit of chest, you’re ripped and trust she’s chatting to her friends about your body.

I have a six-pack and have had one since I was …6 (Laughs at myself while thinking I’m incredibly funny). To this day, whenever a girl or guy (Yes, more than you can ever imagine) compliments me on my body, the abs are always the FIRST thing they go to, considering I have been going to the gym for years and developed a solid physique, that has never changed.

So the size of muscles for a girl doesn’t make a difference; if she is into muscles, she wants a six-pack or decent-sized arms, and you are good.

So if you skip leg day, you’re in the clear; like the Great Khali, wear pants, and you’re good.

And if you have a fantastic personality and are excited, rich, going-places or Leonardo DiCaprio, then you don’t and will never need a nice body ever and will steal the buff guy’s girlfriend every time if you are more fun. However do consider that he will take your teeth in return.

Do women notice or care about wide shoulders on men?

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